Sunday, November 15, 2009

It doesn't matter, if it's empty.

As we get older, we learn that words don't really mean anything. That, on the surface they may seem to express something, but that their contents may truly be lacking. Actions are the same too of course. If they carry nothing, or can't hold anything... then it's all meaningless, useless.

A lot of times, we say things that are like that. We randomly say something that may seem helpful, but in reality offers little in guidance. Or we say something that is hurtful, with no intention of doing so. We may do something in the same manner. In a way... I think this has desensitized us to words and actions.

If you're too sensitive, people don't like you too much and it's hard for you to fit in. Part of socializing is knowing when something is a "joke" and when something isn't. But what differentiates a teasing comment from an offensive one is sometimes difficult to define, and I think sometimes people just play it safe. In order to not start a commotion on something that may or may not be intended, we just take it as a joke. Our first reaction to a lot of serious matters are: "he/she can't be serious..." or "are you joking?"

So in the same way, our desensitized nature has caused us to not think much into the actions and words someone else may have to offer us. So what if, that little action or that little compliment was meant to carry something important? Like, affection, a little message of love, or a little warning about some impending danger?

Selfless actions go unnoticed. Subtle hints go by unawares.

Opportunities are missed. And what could've been the start of something new, fades into oblivion.

Track: Daniel D - The Truth