I usually get sick around this time of year, so it wasn't unexpected.
But this one is a little more finicky, since it's making me feel worse than usual.
I was ahead on everything, but I've spent so much time sleeping this week
in a drug induced haze, that I've fallen behind.
I can't believe I missed a team meeting with a professor this morning.
Nor, that I left a lab report to do on the day it was due.
A stupid flock of geese wouldn't get out of my way as I was turning into the parking lot.
I breakdanced in jeans, probably not the best idea.
And I've got a back log of work to complete outside of school.
I should've brought my guitar here instead of the violin.
The violin is an instrument for me when I'm happy and content.
A guitar is for when I'm down and frustrated.
A violin needs lots of attention and a quiet room to play in.
A guitar only needs your fingers.
I need my guitar, so that I can sit in the dark, lean up against the wall, strum an unknown melody, and fill the voids with lyrics to clear my mind.
I gotta get off these meds. Ugh.