Things I still need to do:
1. Determine the limiting factor to my personal photography. Is it gear or technique?
Need to try and do more with less, do not upgrade anything until I've managed to push the boundaries of my equipment. Learn to work with the gear I have, and not try to buy a solution.
2. Culture > Strategy
Establish better habits. A winning culture is more pervasive and will have longer reaching effects than a winning strategy.
3. Decide
"The only thing you're more indecisive about than your camera gear, is your girls." - Cake.
You suck, but yes... you're right.
4. Excess Capacity is Wasteful. Streamline.
My music studio, my instruments, the extra computers sitting at home that I built. Make something out of them... start recording again, perform musically, build that server cluster you've always wanted... or sell them all.
5. Take Those First Steps
Breaking the initial barrier is just as difficult as the long run, but the initial push can take you far. Consider all those business endeavours that never took off, the difficulty with moving from doing "free" work to "paid" work. Just do it.
6. Don't Wait for Perfection
A product that can do something 50% now. Is better than no product at all and the inability to do the same task. Plus, this is part of its development... release at 80% ability and build in systems for future updates/patches for the remaining 20% if you're concerned about branding.
7. Learn from Inspiring People
They were special. They did things that no one figured they could do. They inspired, worked hard, and blew expectations away. Learn from people who are better.
8. Be Genuinely Happy for Other's Successes
Your time will come, and it'll appear in a different way. For now, let their happiness be your happiness. Congratulations to those of you who have amazing job offers and post-undergraduate acceptances. See you all at the top.
9. Reassess Strengths and Weaknesses
This was last done a year ago. That's a long time in a person's life... so redo these soon to identify the new challenges that need to be addressed.
10. Let Go
Of people who are no longer in your life. You've had your time together, manage to say goodbye. Of the past, it is already a part of you... no need to try and bring it back to the present.
Get a grip on things again, pull yourself together, and look for new avenues as the old ones fill up.