Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lessons Learned

I've learned a great deal up here.

I've learned that you can be as polite and reasonable as possible, but sometimes, people will still look for a fight.
I've learned that you shouldn't take disrespect from anyone, but sometimes it's just a person's way of testing your worthiness.
I've learned to be away from home for a long duration of time. It hurt at first, especially when communications were down, but I've built a home where I am.
I've learned that the dark coloured rocks are in fact covered with a lichen that takes 20 years to grow.
I've learned how to be happy with little things, and be alone.

I've learned how to be stronger and better, at life.


The first few weeks were a little rough. So many things went wrong, and I made so many mistakes. But, it's always comforting to know that under immense pressure, you didn't break. You may have cracked, but the important thing is that you held steady; and now you're emerging as a different individual. At one point, I regretted coming up here; but now I've found exactly what I was looking for. Finally!