Those words have been recited repeatedly with masked intentions.
Most times, they carry nothing but empty flattery, but sometimes they are the lining of admiration.
It tends to be like this. An initial contact, a meeting of eyes, an awkward introduction.
We share stories of our adventures, you tell me where your feet have taken you; and what your eyes have tasted; I do likewise.
I marvel at your life, and you do mine.
The words are uttered. Conveying our excitement for the beckoning future.
And then we part, perhaps never crossing paths again.
People will do this often, speaking of your adventures and marvelling at where your feet have taken you. They say how fulfilling your life will be, how dynamic your experiences make you, and how beautiful of a being you are becoming.
But every time someone says that to me, it is like a needle stabbing. Because you wonder, if your life is truly so amazing, then why hasn't the other consider being a part of it?
If you see something you like, don't hesitate to reach for it, or to let it know that you want to be a part of it. Because potentially, you could be the one that life has been waiting for. Realize that it isn't all the praise that you've wanted to hear, but the words, "can I come with?" that says louder than anything, that your life is good.