*Rant warning*
I wasn't expecting to be back here so soon, among family, among friends. It feels strange to return to the patterns of day and night; to not be excited by any noise that cuts through the silence, or waking up obscenely early in the morning to work.
In fact, if I pause for a moment and consider, I'd find that I really haven't been home for a while. I didn't leave Waterloo much last term, and I left for Kingston straight from the conference there. I've spent more time in Ottawa this term than at home. I haven't kept in touch with my acquaintances, haven't really maintained my networks; all because I wanted to get away from it all.
Home. So much has changed, and everything is in need of repair. My networks have all frayed here. It's like lifting up a puppet string, only to find that nothing is attached at the other end. People have moved on with their lives, out of mine. The first thing that greeted me, my old trusty computer. I've kept it alive, even after most of the components ceased to work following a power surge, by scrounging up parts and making workarounds. It whirled to life, ran beautifully for around six minutes, then shut off without warning. It wouldn't wake again, and I don't have the heart anymore to fix it again.
We had a good run, but I've learned to let things go now. But even as I write this, I know that it is all a lie. It has always been this way with me and computers, as well as people. If I can breathe more life into you, I will. It won't be long before I have it up and running again for some purpose.
The car needed to go in for repairs, and it is going to cost me $700 to fix a broken railing for one of the seats. Do me a favor next time, guests, please don't touch anything in my car. Don't scratch the front dash by swiping the zipper of your bag against it, don't puncture the leather because a pen is sticking out of your back pocket, just don't do anything stupid okay? I take care of my things, which is why I go extra and spend on luxury items. If I didn't care, I would've bought a beater. If you ride with me, have some class.
The driveway also needed repairs, and things at work had to be done. Basically, a lot of manual labor; but I didn't mind, since it builds character and the mindless activity lets me think. I've come out for the most of this week sweaty and covered in mud or dust; but God it feels nice to get dirty once in a while.
Lastly, little sis. Thank you for calling and meeting up with me. I had begun to think that I had been forgotten, and I've missed you very much. No, I don't have someone special in my life at the moment. Yes, I wouldn't mind one; but it's difficult to find someone who appreciates you just as much as you do them. You've always made good relationships look easy to come by... perhaps share some tips with your big bro?