It was all gloomy and rainy this morning and I had a pounding headache, but I managed to get to work on time. One hour in, I decided that I wasn't going to last, excused myself, went home, and curled up in bed instead.
It was a little difficult to sleep, so I did some reading and just thought about things.
I realized just how much I enjoyed working in the public sector, for governments and such. My current work term, and my last one with the federal government have made me realized how much more rewarding it is to be working for an organization whose priority is the quality of it's product and service, and not it's bottom line. Both my terms have been in the public work's departments, so taking care of the infrastructure that our society and cities rely on... but yet are taken for granted so often.
The jobs are stable, the tasks interesting, and you feel like a part of a community. Working for the federal government made me feel at home with practically everyone. My term here in the Region of Niagara made me feel like this region is my home. You take every person's smile and joy as payment for your hard work. Likewise, you use every person's sadness and anger as motivation for you to work harder.
The public works agencies of cities and nations really strive for one thing, to improve the standard of living for its people. Without a doubt, this is an area that I wouldn't mind finding myself in many years down the road.
But for now, I'm still set on continuing with the family businesses. Next term should be relatively light, so I plan to be in the student shop a lot trying to make something marketable. Hopefully I'll meet some professors doing some interesting research that I can apply to my work. My brother is likely heading back to Waterloo to do his masters, so when he's finished in 3 years time, I should have something established.
It's a good thing that the school has so much resources to help students commercialize products and ideas. I'll have to consult with a few of my friends who've already started their own endeavors, draft a business plan, get loans, get good partners, and go forward with unending devotion and passion.
A lot is riding on this. At least my back ups are in place now, soooo lets do this.
Track: Augustana - Boston